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Supereyes スーパーアイズ B010-S 2.0MP 1〜300倍 携帯コントロールしやすいUSBデジタル顕微鏡、ルーペ、拡大鏡 付属:LED、スタンド-シルバー


【商品名】Supereyes スーパーアイズ B010-S 2.0MP 1〜300倍 携帯コントロールしやすいUSBデジタル顕微鏡、ルーペ、拡大鏡 付属:LED、スタンド-シルバー Microscope diameter is 19 mm length is 125 mm. All Supereyes microscopes are protected by strong light skinny and environmental friendly aluminum alloy body.;Snap shot and video recording functions. Photo format: JPEG. Max Photo Capture Resolution: 1600 X 1200. Max Video Capture Resolution: 1600 X 1200. Video format: WMV for Windows systems AVI for Mac OS. Maximum display speed 30f/s.;Compatible with Windows 8/7/Vista/XP SP2/2000 32/64 bit Mac OS × 10.5 or above Linux. For Mac please simply use Photo Booth or FaceTime to open the device no driver or additional software needed. Measurement function is only available on Windows systems. including length arc rectangle distance measurement and etc. is only available on Windows based operating systems.;Powered by 2.0 USB. Real 2.0M pixel CMOS sensor. Adjustable LED light. Auto white balance and auto brightness balance.;Magnification: 1 ~ 300X (combined optical and digital zoom 300X is calculated on 21 モデル番号を入力してください これが適合するか確認: Supereyes B010-S 2.0MP 1 ~ 300X Handheld Easy Control USB Digital Microscope Loupe Magnifier with LED and Stand - Silver

  • 商品価格:10,309円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)